Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter egg hunt

The youngest person on this Easter egg hunt was 16 years old. Jalsevacs are afraid of growing up. Traditions die hard at our house.
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Easter at the Jalsevacs

Sister-in-law Christen and Cass. Both expecting.
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Sunday, April 12, 2009


These pictures were taken last Monday. We thought spring was coming. Evidently we were mistaken. There was even more snow by Tuesday, and Cass got her first bona fide snow day from school. At the moment spring is having another go at it, and most of the snow has melted, but there are no guarantees that we still won't get another storm.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Never is meeting a camera eye-to-eye so emotionally challenging experience as in seventh and eighth grade.
Above, left to right , Lukas, Andrew, and William. Below, l to r, Laura, Shantel, and Eliza.

left to right, Maria, Sadie, and Raissa

One of my few forays into teaching art this year. Open House is coming up and the classroom must look pretty.
Miss Marrocco's Grade 1/2 class presented me Wednesday with the baby blanket they "made" for me. They picked out the shapes and the colors and patterns; the only thing Miss Marrocco did was stitch it together!